CM11 (or similar 4.4.2 kitkat AOSP roms with theme chooser) is the best option for the theme. It MAY work on CM10.2, but really is only guaranteed for CM11.
- Works best on CM11
- In order to allow no background for statusbar and navbar, please use a custom rom that supports that (such as AOKP), I cannot theme this via theme chooser unfortunately.
- CM11 Dialer only themed when using CM11 based ROMs as of January 29th 2014 (incudes the relevant changes to make dialer themable)
Apply theme, then reboot. Reboot is also required after a theme update is installed.
Getting”improperly compiled” error?. Set to system theme, reboot, then apply.
Missing assets/screen size? Apply anyway
- Kitkat inspired dialer
- Added a semi-transparent widget background for most system widgets
- No dividers in settings and other sub- and pop-up menus
- Themed pop-up and settings menus
- Black background for dialer and contact/people app
- Themed MMS and people app (fully themed)
- Themed Google Now
- Themed Play Store
- Themed Play Music
- Themed Browser
- Themed Gmail
- Themed Email
- Themed Google Translate
- Themed Google Drive
- Enabled incoming fullscreen-call theme for latest CM11 nightly and uberdialer additions
How to Download ?
1.Click Download button.
2.wait 5 second
3.Click Skip ad.